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Art, Language and Teaching Opportunities

Watercolors, Illustrations, ACEOs, lots of Czech and English language, lots of energy at home and major lack of sleep. How can all of that exist together! This has been one serious week!


I continued The Girl and her Cat series and got as far as 5 illustrations. (showing the 5th one here. For the other ones, check out this post) After that, I needed a little break, but I will get back to it and create more pieces.

I took one morning to get back to one of my favorite styles, which is pure line art, and drew a Spring-inspired portrait! And I really do love this! 

(I love this style so much that I actually created a whole coloring book last year and if you like coloring and you are a mother or have a mother or a mother friend, this book is for you! It also has a section of encouraging Bible verses. It's called Treasure of the Heart and you should check it out!) ;)

Then yesterday I thought, wow, I haven't painted any ACEOs in a really long time! And unlike the usual theme which would be something around cute animals, I painted this eye, because I'm so in the figural art right now. And what is also a little unlike me is the absence of a black outline, but you know what... I really love this too!


We are a bilingual family and we speak both English and Czech at home. We currently live in the Czech republic, so there is a much higher need for Czech in the house. We do all sorts of things, but I find that doing a lot of flash cards, practicing the alphabet, reading encyclopedias (not so much stories yet, because they are sometimes too poetic in Czech and therefore harder to comprehend for beginners), and watching favorite movies in Czech (this is best if we've watched a movie a few times in English and have it memorized a bit, haha). Now, I AM Czech, so to me this isn't an issue, but the rest of the family is learning. That means that besides just speaking Czech, I have to get creative with how to teach it effectively. (yay, more creativity!!)


Now, I have possibly two opportunities ahead of me. One concerning teaching Art, and the other teaching Czech. 

The first one would be teaching my friend's daughter, so we're talking about that. 

The second one would be teaching Czech as second language here in the kindergarten! Believe it or not, but even in the village where we live, my son isn't the only one there who is technically a foreigner. There are three other kids from all different countries! And language is definitely a tough thing to deal with, and for those kids it might be even more challenging because the parents supposedly don't speak Czech themselves. So I talked to the teacher and the principle yesterday and offered to volunteer as a Czech teacher to these kids. After all, I already do it at home! I think they really loved the idea but didn't want to come across too happy, so they told me they were definitely going to consider it. How fun would this be! And super useful. And exciting. And challenging. And fun! So this morning I sat down and wrote out my own teaching system (and I like it so much that it might be a thing one day!). 

So, this is the crazy good of my week, and I'm going to leave it there. Even though I really am super tired (hey, I'm a stay-at-home mom of two!). 

Hope your week has been good!
If you read this, please leave a comment. 

Also check out Paint Party Friday and join other artists in sharing their art and encouragement!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Kate, I so much enjoyed your post today. I watched the video on how to paint eyes. I love your own rendition of the eye painting too. Your girl and cat are delightful. You are very talented. I hope the teaching idea comes off as hoped for.

  2. wonderful work this week, lovely post!

  3. There's always so much to do, so little time when you're an artist. Good luck with your class! Your paintings and drawings are beautiful.


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