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Introduction - ENJOY :)

Hey everyone,

so a few people told me that I should start a blog, so here it is!

As I wrote in my bio, I am from the Czech republic. My Dad is Czech, my Mom is Slovak... so ok, technically I am Czechoslovak, although Czechoslovakia exists no more.

I have loved art since I can remember. My mom said that the first thing that I could hold in my hand was a pencil. And it's probably true, because before I understood the concept of paper, my drawings were decorating our house's walls and doors. Then I found out about paper, but I didn't understand fully yet that some paper isn't for drawing. So my Dad sometimes found his bills all drawn over... oops. Well, I learned and paper because my second best friend after the pencil. :)

I started studying art when I was six. I went to a course for children and was going there for two years. Then later when I was twelve I started attending a course for high school students and I spent six months of very exhausting art education at that place.

Then going to high school, I learned even more and more intensively, because my major was Fashion Design. So there was a LOT of drawing. I love figural drawing and I love drawing details. So back in high school, if you found little drawings in my school books, it would be eyes, lips, and hands. Those were, and still are, my favorite! I was taught a lot of different techniques, just except for oil painting, which I am very sorry. Would have loved to know how to paint oil! Anyway, I successfully graduated, although... as an artistic mind, I had problems with some classes, like math for example. Somehow I could never keep up with those ideas. It was just a different world for me (still is). But they were very kind to me at school and since we had math only for the first two years, they said it would be a shame for me to fail. They were pretty supportive when it came to my art skills. (Although, I had some enemies even among teachers, I don't really understand why.. maybe my design teacher didn't like me because my fashion designs didn't look abstract enough as I drew everything a bit more cartoony).

Anyway... that was my life full and just full of art!

Then my attention was broken, when a certain man came into my life:) We met at a Christian English camp in the Czech republic, close to Brno. He was this really cute American and I couldn't help but be curious about him. So we started hanging out, kept in touch for another half a year through emails and some phone calls, and then during Christmas time, he asked me to date him. And since it wasn't physically possible at that point cause we were at different continents :) we started officially dating the next summer. (And I have to tell you one thing.. I would have never started dating him unless I knew for sure, that he was the guy I was going to marry) And we went out for two years, seeing each other only twice a year for a couple of weeks, sometimes months (when it was summer time). Then it was probably too long for us :) He came to the Czech republic one winter, and as he arrived on the 24th of December and took me to the Charles bridge, he asked me to marry him right there. Imagine the scene, it was a gloomy day, it was raining... the bridge was being partly reconstructed, and as we were walking from one side to the other (I had no idea what was coming!) he suddenly stopped me and then I saw his nervous face... he pulled out a note with a beautiful poem and then he took out the ring... when I opened the box, there was another note that said in slovak language: will you be my wife? That was just the cutest thing ever! For a moment, english grammar was running through my mind and I was trying to figure out how to answer correctly! :)) My heart was pounding and in the end I just couldn't say anything else than: Yes!

After that wonderful visit, he left and again we didn't see each other for a few months. Then I was finally allowed by the embassy to go see him (because twice before they didn't let me...) and I spent there a month, with him and his family, and we had a wedding shower. That was really something! Just so you know, in the Czech republic, we don't have showers. So it was a big experience for me:) Then I left for home (because the wedding would take place in the CZ) and waited for my beloved man for another month. Then he finally came and his family also... and we got married! It was the most beautiful day! And I felt like a princess, because we got married at a castle, in the gardens... :)

Our honeymoon... I will have to write about that sometimes too because that was one big unexpected adventure! But in short - a cruise ship around the Mediterranean sea. AMAZING!

Then we stayed in the CZ for a year due to my studies (I studied at a Christian college, and there is a real lack of these institutes in my country, so I was very privileged to be one of the six selected students that year. ). Then the year was done and at the very end on June, we packed our stuff and with only a few suitcases we moved our life to the States. We spent some great time in Delaware with my husband's family and went on two beautiful vacations (one of them in Orlando in Disney world!!!)

And then we moved to Pensacola, FL, because my husband needs to finish his studies. Life has been very adventurous and interesting, but most of all, sooo blessed! I am happy where I am, because I am with my husband, and God is leading us through our lives with great promises.

So here I am. A little artist from a little country... giving everything a new shot :)

And because I am unemployed, I am trying to see different ways of making some money. But above all, do what I love and that is Art. And guess what, somehow, it might all work out, because I found out about this great website,, where I can have my own shop and sell whatever I want. And this time, it's simply about the customers, it's up to them to decide whether my art is good or not. Not like book publishers that throw you away just because you don't have the highest degree in art.

So, if you are intersted, visit my etsy shop -

It is just freshly opened and not many thing are online yet. But don't worry, I am working on them and I am working a lot. And soon, the shop should be full of various things to offer. So... go ahead and look at it. And if you like something bad enough, let me know (or buy it right away lol).

so... that's about my introduction. Sorry if it was a bit exhausting. :)

Be sure to come back because I will have some fun stories to share! :)

Have a great day! :)


  1. Great story Kate! Nice to meet you on Blogspot. Can't wait to see your art on this blog.

    I am glad you moved to a big country with big opportunities. I love living here after moving from Russia 9+ years ago. My husband is also American and guess what, he also proposed on one Christmas Day; and, that was incredibly sweet :)

    Take care,

  2. Hi Etsy buddy! I have the same background for my blog too :P

  3. Nice to meet you! Easy is a great site to market your art. As soon as I log on I will mark you as a favorite.

  4. Hi everyone and thanks :) I am finally getting back to blogging and I have some art that I will share on here:) yay!

  5. Ahoj, super počteníčko! Tak jsem zavzpomínala na ty pokreslené zdi a ty spousty papírů. S vděčností a dychtivostí sleduji tvůj růst. Jsem za tebe velice vděčná Pánu Bohu. Mám Tě moc ráda. Tvoje maminka a přítelkyně. Děkuji.

  6. Bez urazky, lidicky... ale musite priznat, ze tohle je ten nejcennejsi komentar :)
    Mam te rada, mami! Bez Tebe bych nebyla tam, kde jsem dnes!


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